Mesilla Comprehensive Plan Update
The Town of Mesilla is Updating the Comprehensive Plan!
You can use this website to learn more about the comprehensive plan and the ongoing update, stay up-to-date on the planning process, and share your vision, ideas, and thoughts.
Thank you for sharing your ideas.
The community visioning workshop was a great success! Thank you for participating and sharing your thoughts.
This event has passed - Tues 1/14, 5:30PM @ Mesilla Community Center
What is a comprehensive plan?
A comprehensive plan is the guiding document for the Town of Mesilla.
It is comprehensive and looks at all of the parts of a community - infrastructure, land use, local businesses, housing, public facilities and services, parks, and more - to anticipate future needs and opportunities to provide a high quality of life for residents.
The plan documents where Mesilla is today - local economy, jobs, resident needs, etc. - and works with you, community members, to figure out what Mesilla could be in the future.
A comprehensive plan is a long-range planning document, meaning the timeframe is 20-30 years in the future. It's never too soon to start planning!
Why does it matter?
At the heart of this plan is a community vision - YOUR vision for the future of Mesilla.
The plan will provide strategies and recommendations on policies, programs, or investments toward an ideal future. We want to hear from you - what do you want Mesilla to be in 2050? What kinds of businesses, homes, infrastructure, jobs, routes, etc, would you want to see? What are the key opportunities in Mesilla that will make it a better place to live?
The Town of Mesilla staff and elected officials can use this type of plan to make decisions related to investments in local projects, programs, and public spaces and facilities.
The comprehensive plan update is your chance to get involved and make a positive impact in Mesilla!
Questions, comments, or ideas?
We want to hear from you!
Submit a comment in the online form
Reach out to Dani at
Check the website for updates
Share this website with friends, family, coworkers - anyone with a vision for the future of Mesilla! MESILLAPLAN.COM